Thursday, September 16, 2010

First Injury and the Fundraising Home Stretch!

Well, I guess since I've been almost pain-free during this whole training process, I was  hoping it wouldn't happen - but it did.  After my run last week, I ended up with a really sore knee.  I'm not sure how it happened, but somewhere about mile 4 out of 6, I started to feel a little discomfort in my left knee.  I kept going for about 1/4 mile, then decided to walk it out for a half a mile and then see if I could pick it up again for the rest of the run.  After I stopped to walk, I couldn't run again for more than a minute or so.  It was starting to tighten up.  I got home, but didn't have time to rest and ice right away - I wanted to shower and get to Kyle's football game.  Well, since he didn't make it through the second quarter before I had to take him to the emergency room (they thought he broke his ankle, but thank goodness it turned out only to be a bad sprain), I didn't get to rest, ice and stretch until later that evening.  By that time I could barely walk.  It's been ice and advil ever since!

I haven't run at all this week and have only been to one spin class.  My knee is feeling better, but not pain free yet.  I'm supposed to do a 10-mile group run on Saturday.  I'm really nervous that my knee won't feel good enough to do it, which in turn would put me behind in training and the race is only 4 weeks away - yikes!  Not doing the race is NOT an option!  I WILL FINISH!

I am really excited to attempt 10-miles on Saturday, something I NEVER thought I would say!  I find myself looking forward to the new challenges.  I'm also realizing that the training in large part is all mental, not physical.  The positive self-motivation and the mental challenges I present to myself are a HUGE part of my success.  While I'm running, I play a mental game with myself - "you can't walk until you hit 2 miles, or the next marker, or the next shaddy spot, etc."  It not only keeps me focused on running (rather than the mental to-do list that is always running through my head!), but I'm motivating myself as well.  It's been hard for me not to track my time each run.  I'm trying to maintain the focus of just completing this 1/2 marathon and not worrying about how fast I run it.  I WILL FINISH!  Just pray that my knee gets better!

My fundraising has been going great!  I have a great network of "cheerleaders" spreading the word for me and helping me fundraise.  Thank you all so much for your generous support and all of the words of encouragement - I really, truly could not do this alone!  If you haven't yet had a chance to check out my website - now is the time!  I have about 10 days left to reach my goal - and EVERY little bit helps!!

Again, thank you to everyone who has supported me during this journey.  It means more than you could know.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

7 Miles!!

Well, so much for trying to post every week - I'm doing my best!  Since my last post:

* I was scheduled for a 5-mile run on August 21st, but we had a pre-planned camping trip so I wasn't able to go with my group.  I did manage to get in about 4 miles along the coast on my own though.  There was a beautiful trail along the beach at Costanoa that was 3 miles, but I extended it to what I think was about 4 miles.  It was really beautiful - but hard!  It was the farthest I had every tried to run, plus there were parts with hills and parts on the sand along the beach.  But, I made it!  I was really proud of myself for going on my own - it was worth it!  As soon as I figure out how to get the pictures I took off of my iPhone, I will post them to my blog :-)

* I am continuing to struggle with fitting everything in right now.  Thursday track work outs have been completely blown off the last 3 weeks - getting Corey off to school in Kansas one week, working late the following week, back-to-school night last week.  It's really hard to find the time for everything - but I'm doing my best!  We'll see if I can get there this week (fingers crossed!).

* Did a 3.5 mile "run" up to the Stanford Dish on Agust 28th.  It was a lot harder than I thought and I think I was a little over-zealous on the hills.  I was a bit discouraged again - it seemed like I had felt really good and strong all week, then when I hit the hills on Saturday, I almost felt like it was my first day of training all over again!  I need to think about how to approach hills during the race.  The coaches did give us some good tips for running uphill, most importantly - don't worry about walking them!  If it conserves your energy for the rest of the race, that might be the best strategy.  We're doing the Dish again this Saturday - I'm going to try that approach and see how it goes.

* Ran 5 miles on my own at Sawyer Camp Trail at Crystal Springs on August 31st.  I was amazed that I pushed myself that far.  I was so happy at the end - I had ran the last 2 miles non-stop.  That was the farthest I had ever run without walking.  Progress!

* Ran 7 MILES with the group on Saturday, September 4th at Pillar Point in Half Moon Bay.  What a rush!  Except for one quick bathroom stop - I actually jogged the entire 7 miles!  I was so proud of myself - I wanted to shout it from the roof!  Me, the non-runner, non-athlete, actually ran 7 miles!!  Wow ... another milestone!

This Saturday we're in a "down" week in training, so we're not supposed to run any more than 4 miles.  I'm going to do the Dish again on Saturday, but need to try and fit in another 4 mile run before then.  Not sure when that will be!  The following week we'll be running 9 miles.  I'm actually kind of excited to see how I handle it!

If you haven't had a chance, please check out my website:

Thank you all for your continued support - I couldn't do this without you!
