Thursday, November 18, 2010


I know, it's been a few weeks since the run, but it would be out of character for me to finish something quickly!!  Anyway, I've finally had time to sit down and put down my thoughts about the whole experience ...

Wow - I can't believe it's finally over!  I completed a 1/2 marathon - 13.1 miles!!  Me, the non-runner, most unathletic person I know!  It's a little surreal.

The specifics - almost $3,000 raised - AMAZING!  Thank you to everyone that supported me in the adventure - I truly could not have done this without you and the money you donated will go a long way in helping to find a cure for these devastating diseases.  Thank you again from the bottom of my heart ...

The "honoree" bracelets that Jordan made for me.  One for each person that I was honored to run this race for.  7 all together!

I finished in 3 hours and 6 minutes - also AMAZING!  After all of the stress I'd finally managed to let go of, I had mentally prepared myself to finish in about 4 hours - 3 1/2 would be amazing.  When I crossed the finish line, the clock above me said 3:23.  I was totally amazed and happy with that time.  Then I got an email that night with my official finish time - 3:06:33.  Well, I forgot that the time on the finish clock was from the official race start time of 7:00am.  But I didn't actually start until 7:17am - there were so many runners that it took me 17 minutes to get across the start line.

It was definitely one of the hardest things I've ever done, but also one of the coolest, most rewarding experiences I've ever had.  The energy was incredible, the sense of one common goal among 20,000 people - overwhelming!

The weekend started with the Expo on Saturday.  I went up to SF Saturday morning and brought Jordan with me.  We walked around the Expo, go my race day packet (my bib number, etc).  Team in Training had a booth there where you could make signs to hold along the route, as well as a dedication wall (below) - somewhere to write messages to those you are running for.   I added a message for my mom and Jordan wrote one for Patty.  :-)  It was fun hanging out with Jordan and sharing the excitement with her.

Mixing our own smoothies!

We headed across the street to Niketown, the official sponsor of the race.  It was so cool - on the wall outside of the store, they had the "Runner's Wall".  It was an electronic sign all along the side of the building with all of the names of the participating runners.  Of course, we had to find my name!!

View from the 4th floor of Niketown!
That's ME!!!

My friend Patty and I attended the "Inspiration Dinner" on Saturday night, sponsored by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  I was attending as an event participant, Patty as one of the event honorees.  Neither of us was particulary excited to go, the Giants were playing that night, after all!  In the end, we decided to go.  I'm so glad we did!  It was held at the Moscone Center and attended by over 4,000 people.  It was indeed very inspirational!

Patty and I went back to the hotel to get some rest - I had to meet up with my team at 5:15am!  I was too excited to sleep, but I think I managed about 3 or 4 hours.  Our hotel was just one block from the start line, so I was able to walk by early in the morning without thousands of people crowded around.  My excitement was building ...

The start line about an hour and a half before the start of the race! 

My view from my place in line!
Getting to the start line was just basically walking - it was a madhouse!  But I finally made it across and everyone could spread out a little and start running.  Within the first two blocks, I looked to my right and in the crowd was my friend Patty.  She had come down from our hotel and gathered near the starting line with the crowd to cheer me on!  It was so cool to see her there!

The run itself was beautiful - it took us along some of the most scenic spots and neighborhoods in San Francisco.

Alcatraz Island

That's the Golden Gate Brige in the background!
My biggest worry was that I wouldn't get to mile 5 by 8:45am.  That was supposedly the cutoff time - all of the participants that hadn't made it to that point by that time would be "swept off" the course and not allowed to finish the race.  That was just not an option for me - I was going to finish not matter what!!  I ended up getting to the 5 mile marker at about 8:10am - plenty of time to spare!  After that, I just enjoyed the rest of the journey.  I remember every time I got to the next mile marker, I could feel myself smiling.  I felt like I smiled the whole entire time!  I was genuinely happy ...

There were lots of hills along the way, most of them not too long or steep.   Mile 6 was the worst - a mile of climbing - I think the elevation was at 0 at the beginning of that mile, but we ended at about 300 feet!  But I made it!

Mile 6 is looming!
 Every mile marker we were entertained by music, different cheering groups, water stations - it was something different every mile.  It really did help the time go by faster!

The "Pink" cheering section was around Mile 7 or 8!  Definitely entertainining!
I started to walk a little more around mile 9, but I soon figured out that when I walked, my hips and knees started to tighten up and it was actually easier to run than walk!  That spurred my on to Mile 10 - WOW!  That felt incredible to hit that marker!
Superwoman!  Lol!
After Mile 10 - it was relatively easy!  I can't believe I'm saying that, but it's true!  The rest of the run flew by!  I finished faster that I had anticipated, and faster than Barry had anticipated.  He was trying to get to the finish line with the kids to cheer me as I crossed, but I beat them there!  They were such troopers, having to walk like 30 blocks from where they were able to find parking to the finish line.  In the rain!  I was so happy to see them!

On the ride home, I was cold, tired and sore, but also incredibly proud of myself!  It was almost an unreal feeling - I had actually just run a 1/2 marathon!  I still can't believe it ...

I keep getting asked, "did you like the running?"  "Do you think you'll keep running?"  The answer is yes to both!  I did end up learning to love running.  I love the mental break I felt when I ran - it helps clear my mind, gives me a sense of peace.  And I'm already thinking about another 1/2 marathon in April!  Anyone up for the challenge???

1 comment:

  1. you continue to AMAZE reading your are a great writer, not just a great runner!.....xoxoxo, laurie
