Wednesday, August 18, 2010

SLOWLY .... but surely ...

Last week was kind of a tough week.  I was really happy that I actually stuck to my committed routine the entier week ... spin class on Monday and Wednesday, treadmill on Tuesday, track workout on Thursday and a 3-mile run/walk on Saturday.  But with everything going on right now - 2 kids getting ready to go back to school, 1 kid leaving tomorrow for college out of state (Kansas!!!), trying to hire someone to fill my old position at work so I can move to my new job at the end of this month, getting another new manager on board and having to support a 4th person, AND trying to keep up with my training - I'm stretched pretty thin right now and I'm eating properly to maintain my energy level.  I need to concentrate on that more next week and eat better.  Anyone with nutrition tips for runners? 

The track work out on Thursday was my second week of training with my TNT team and I really felt out of it the entire time.  My legs felt like they were made out of concrete, my knees hurt, my shins hurt ... it was all new to me.  I've been feeling really good up until that night and I keep trying to figure out what I was doing different that made it feel like such a chore?!  Not eating well, not getting enough sleep, not stretching enough before my workout .... whatever the problem was, it felft like I had taken 10 steps backward.  Very discouraging ...

Treadmill workout on Tuesday morning felt like a bit of a chore this week as well.  I've come to the conclusion that I just don't like running on the treadmill - it's REALLY boring!  I'm trying to experiment with the music on my playlist to help keep me motivated .... ugh!

But, I'm trying to remain positive and keep my focus.  I have to keep telling myself that I can do this, I'm not doing it to win, and no matter how long it takes me to cross the finish line - I WILL FINISH!

Tomorrow I get to sleep in and then take my baby boy to the airport - he's leaving for Sterling, Kansas tomorrow.  I'm so excited for him!!  Wish him luck!

5 mile run on Saturday - wish ME luck with that!  Should be interesting!!

Thanks to everyone for their continued support - I couldn't do it with out you!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Why THIS, Why NOW??

I keep getting asked the question - why are you doing THIS and why NOW (referring to my age, I suppose)??  I guess there are many answers to those questions.  The first and most obvious reason is what I said on my profile - in honor of my mother, Norma Stokes, who lost her battle with leukemia 25 years ago.  But as I think more about it, it's more than that.  I think part of me is trying to figure out who "Jennifer" really is - finally at the age of 44!  What am I capable of?  What do I want to be when I grow up? :-)  (Better late than never, I guess!)  When I realize it has been 25 years since I lost my mom, it's kind of scary.  That time has really flown by.  I've been so busy for the last 22 years trying to figure out how to be a wife and mom, I've kind of forgotten about me.  A common theme among women, I know.  So, I was having a discussion with my husband a few weeks ago about our oldest son, Corey.  He's 22 and kind of "floundering" in life right now.  Trying to figure out what he wants to do, if he wants to finish college, just kind of "lost".  We've been frustrated watching him go through this, and my husband made the comment that Corey seems to start things, but never finish them.  He then said something to the effect of:  "He's kind of like you in that way.  Not in a bad way, but you kind of do the same thing."  Of course my first reaction was to be hurt and kind of pissed, but when I thought about it, I realized he was right.  I've done that with a lot of things in my life - I think all having to do with trying to figure out who "Jennifer" really is.  One of these "things" that I've thought about, started to look into, and then never followed through on was Team in Training.  I have talked about it for probably the last 10 years, signed up to go to probably 5 or 6 informational meetings over those 10 years, but that's as far as I ever got.  There was always some excuse as to why I didn't go.  So, after that conversation, I decided to really try and follow through on some of those things and that this was going to be my year of "no excuses"!  I got an email about the upcoming Team in Training season and there was an informational meeting back in June.  So I went.  And then at that meeting, I decided not to go away and think about it - I signed up that night.  So here we are today!

This is my second week of official training with the "team".  It's not as bad as I thought it would be - I'm averaging a 12 minute mile and I've been able to actually run for over a mile without walking!  AMAZING!  The farthest I've ran/walked so far is 3.25 miles.I'm starting to get nervous though - I'll be adding a mile every week until race day in October.  Considering I haven't really done any "running" (other than after my kids as they were growing up) in 17 years, I guess I have cause to be nervous!  I just keep telling myself that I can do this, I'm not doing it to win, and no matter how long it takes me to cross the finish line - I WILL FINISH!

The thing that has really amazed me and kept me motivated are the overwhelming responses that I've received from people that have read my initial donation email.  I am truly blessed with amazing friends and family.  I'm continually learning of the personal connections that people have to this cause and these devastating diseases.  Their stories truly help keep me motivated and reaffirm my decision to take on this challenge.  What I am trying to do is nothing compared to the struggles and challenges of those faced with fighting cancer.  I am lucky to be healthy enough to train for this race and honored to do it for those that can't!