Wednesday, August 18, 2010

SLOWLY .... but surely ...

Last week was kind of a tough week.  I was really happy that I actually stuck to my committed routine the entier week ... spin class on Monday and Wednesday, treadmill on Tuesday, track workout on Thursday and a 3-mile run/walk on Saturday.  But with everything going on right now - 2 kids getting ready to go back to school, 1 kid leaving tomorrow for college out of state (Kansas!!!), trying to hire someone to fill my old position at work so I can move to my new job at the end of this month, getting another new manager on board and having to support a 4th person, AND trying to keep up with my training - I'm stretched pretty thin right now and I'm eating properly to maintain my energy level.  I need to concentrate on that more next week and eat better.  Anyone with nutrition tips for runners? 

The track work out on Thursday was my second week of training with my TNT team and I really felt out of it the entire time.  My legs felt like they were made out of concrete, my knees hurt, my shins hurt ... it was all new to me.  I've been feeling really good up until that night and I keep trying to figure out what I was doing different that made it feel like such a chore?!  Not eating well, not getting enough sleep, not stretching enough before my workout .... whatever the problem was, it felft like I had taken 10 steps backward.  Very discouraging ...

Treadmill workout on Tuesday morning felt like a bit of a chore this week as well.  I've come to the conclusion that I just don't like running on the treadmill - it's REALLY boring!  I'm trying to experiment with the music on my playlist to help keep me motivated .... ugh!

But, I'm trying to remain positive and keep my focus.  I have to keep telling myself that I can do this, I'm not doing it to win, and no matter how long it takes me to cross the finish line - I WILL FINISH!

Tomorrow I get to sleep in and then take my baby boy to the airport - he's leaving for Sterling, Kansas tomorrow.  I'm so excited for him!!  Wish him luck!

5 mile run on Saturday - wish ME luck with that!  Should be interesting!!

Thanks to everyone for their continued support - I couldn't do it with out you!

1 comment:

  1. You can do 5 miles!!It's interesting that you are doing treadmill workouts as well as outdoors - my trainers told me to stay off the treadmill. You are exercising way more days than I am - the 3 days running is taking it's toll on me and I am resting a day in between, except for yoga. Please make sure you are eating enough - I remember a few months ago I was not losing weight or feeling energetic - I was underestimating my calories and you are working out so much more. You need the fuel.

    I would love to meet you at the gym once a week or so to workout together. Let me know what you can do! Love you!! Kristy
