Thursday, November 18, 2010


I know, it's been a few weeks since the run, but it would be out of character for me to finish something quickly!!  Anyway, I've finally had time to sit down and put down my thoughts about the whole experience ...

Wow - I can't believe it's finally over!  I completed a 1/2 marathon - 13.1 miles!!  Me, the non-runner, most unathletic person I know!  It's a little surreal.

The specifics - almost $3,000 raised - AMAZING!  Thank you to everyone that supported me in the adventure - I truly could not have done this without you and the money you donated will go a long way in helping to find a cure for these devastating diseases.  Thank you again from the bottom of my heart ...

The "honoree" bracelets that Jordan made for me.  One for each person that I was honored to run this race for.  7 all together!

I finished in 3 hours and 6 minutes - also AMAZING!  After all of the stress I'd finally managed to let go of, I had mentally prepared myself to finish in about 4 hours - 3 1/2 would be amazing.  When I crossed the finish line, the clock above me said 3:23.  I was totally amazed and happy with that time.  Then I got an email that night with my official finish time - 3:06:33.  Well, I forgot that the time on the finish clock was from the official race start time of 7:00am.  But I didn't actually start until 7:17am - there were so many runners that it took me 17 minutes to get across the start line.

It was definitely one of the hardest things I've ever done, but also one of the coolest, most rewarding experiences I've ever had.  The energy was incredible, the sense of one common goal among 20,000 people - overwhelming!

The weekend started with the Expo on Saturday.  I went up to SF Saturday morning and brought Jordan with me.  We walked around the Expo, go my race day packet (my bib number, etc).  Team in Training had a booth there where you could make signs to hold along the route, as well as a dedication wall (below) - somewhere to write messages to those you are running for.   I added a message for my mom and Jordan wrote one for Patty.  :-)  It was fun hanging out with Jordan and sharing the excitement with her.

Mixing our own smoothies!

We headed across the street to Niketown, the official sponsor of the race.  It was so cool - on the wall outside of the store, they had the "Runner's Wall".  It was an electronic sign all along the side of the building with all of the names of the participating runners.  Of course, we had to find my name!!

View from the 4th floor of Niketown!
That's ME!!!

My friend Patty and I attended the "Inspiration Dinner" on Saturday night, sponsored by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  I was attending as an event participant, Patty as one of the event honorees.  Neither of us was particulary excited to go, the Giants were playing that night, after all!  In the end, we decided to go.  I'm so glad we did!  It was held at the Moscone Center and attended by over 4,000 people.  It was indeed very inspirational!

Patty and I went back to the hotel to get some rest - I had to meet up with my team at 5:15am!  I was too excited to sleep, but I think I managed about 3 or 4 hours.  Our hotel was just one block from the start line, so I was able to walk by early in the morning without thousands of people crowded around.  My excitement was building ...

The start line about an hour and a half before the start of the race! 

My view from my place in line!
Getting to the start line was just basically walking - it was a madhouse!  But I finally made it across and everyone could spread out a little and start running.  Within the first two blocks, I looked to my right and in the crowd was my friend Patty.  She had come down from our hotel and gathered near the starting line with the crowd to cheer me on!  It was so cool to see her there!

The run itself was beautiful - it took us along some of the most scenic spots and neighborhoods in San Francisco.

Alcatraz Island

That's the Golden Gate Brige in the background!
My biggest worry was that I wouldn't get to mile 5 by 8:45am.  That was supposedly the cutoff time - all of the participants that hadn't made it to that point by that time would be "swept off" the course and not allowed to finish the race.  That was just not an option for me - I was going to finish not matter what!!  I ended up getting to the 5 mile marker at about 8:10am - plenty of time to spare!  After that, I just enjoyed the rest of the journey.  I remember every time I got to the next mile marker, I could feel myself smiling.  I felt like I smiled the whole entire time!  I was genuinely happy ...

There were lots of hills along the way, most of them not too long or steep.   Mile 6 was the worst - a mile of climbing - I think the elevation was at 0 at the beginning of that mile, but we ended at about 300 feet!  But I made it!

Mile 6 is looming!
 Every mile marker we were entertained by music, different cheering groups, water stations - it was something different every mile.  It really did help the time go by faster!

The "Pink" cheering section was around Mile 7 or 8!  Definitely entertainining!
I started to walk a little more around mile 9, but I soon figured out that when I walked, my hips and knees started to tighten up and it was actually easier to run than walk!  That spurred my on to Mile 10 - WOW!  That felt incredible to hit that marker!
Superwoman!  Lol!
After Mile 10 - it was relatively easy!  I can't believe I'm saying that, but it's true!  The rest of the run flew by!  I finished faster that I had anticipated, and faster than Barry had anticipated.  He was trying to get to the finish line with the kids to cheer me as I crossed, but I beat them there!  They were such troopers, having to walk like 30 blocks from where they were able to find parking to the finish line.  In the rain!  I was so happy to see them!

On the ride home, I was cold, tired and sore, but also incredibly proud of myself!  It was almost an unreal feeling - I had actually just run a 1/2 marathon!  I still can't believe it ...

I keep getting asked, "did you like the running?"  "Do you think you'll keep running?"  The answer is yes to both!  I did end up learning to love running.  I love the mental break I felt when I ran - it helps clear my mind, gives me a sense of peace.  And I'm already thinking about another 1/2 marathon in April!  Anyone up for the challenge???

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Race Day is only 3 days away - so EXCITED!  After the last few weeks I've had, I am just happy to be healthy enough to participate - however slow I may go!  I guess I have some catching up to do ...

My last post was right before our 10-mile group run.  I was excited to try, but worried because I had injured my knee the week before.  Well, I did try, but ended up not being able to run that day.  I knew right when I started out that my knee hadn't healed enough.  I only went about 1/4 mile and I turned around.  I didn't want to injure it any further and knew that I needed to go have it checked out.  Up until that point, I thought just rest, ice and Advil would cure it.  Needless to say, I was completely devastated.

I went into a tailspin of worry, stress, and maybe even a little depression.  I got so caught up in trying to navigate the Kaiser maze of trying to get into the doctor that I needed to see, worrying about the training that I was missing, and worrying that I might not be able to participate at all.  It was consuming me - almost to a manic level.  It was all I could think about. After a week and a half of getting no where with Kaiser except a phone call with my general doctor and going to a "knee clinic" in the physical therapy department, I decided to bite the money bullet and go outside of Kaiser.  I made an appointment at a sports therapy clinic (Sports Medicine Institute in Palo Alto) that had come to one of our regional runs and conducted an injury-prevention clinic.  The director seemed really knowledgeable, was a former competitive distance runner and was also affiliated with Team in Training.  My running coaches all recommended them as well. When I finally got in, I hadn't run in 2 1/2 weeks!  My knee was starting to feel better at that point, but my physical therapist, Mark, was able to work on my knee and pinpoint the right place and really work out the last of the pain.  We came up with a plan to start back slowly that week and try to build up my mileage as best as I could.

So, my first time back to running was going to be 2 days after I saw Mark.  Was really excited, hopeful that I'd be able to make up some ground on my training.  I packed my gym bag that morning so I could go to the team track workout after work.  Woke up that morning with a knot in the middle of my back, but not a big deal.  I wake up that way a lot - nothing out of the ordinary.  Well, by lunch time I was in so much pain I could barely walk.  I couldn't catch my breath and I had pain all around my rib cage and sharp pains in my stomach.  Nice!  I was icing my back, popping Advil like crazy, and no relief.  I went home from work early and tried to lay down, ice some more, tried the heating pad.  Still nothing.  By this time, I was crying. I seriously had not had pain like this since I had my kids.  I think that I even started to have a panic attack.  What started out as a knot in my back was now something completely different and I had no idea what was going on.  My husband was working in the City and I couldn't reach him, so I called my friend, Denise.  She came and brought me into the emergency room and waited with me until I got in (thank you Denise!!).  The ER doctor was concerned it was something with my kidneys or gallbladder, so they ran every test under the sun.  After 8 hours, I finally went home with a bottle of Vicodin and no answers.  All the tests they ran in the ER came back fine, so they scheduled me for an ultrasound the next morning.  Of course, my doctor was not in that day, so I had to wait for the results until Monday.  So I missed another regional run (11 miles) that weekend and I was almost convinced that I wouldn't be able to participate in the event at all.  My tailspin of worry, stress and depression continued.

My doctor called Monday morning with the results - all clear.  But he wanted to see me that day.  So we went in and he did his exam (along with answering a personal call on his cell phone!) and said he thought the problem was muscular.  He sent me home with a prescription for a muscle relaxer and a hand out for some back stretches and exercises.  Thanks.

Fortunately, I had an appointment the next day with my physical therapist. I had already scheduled it to re-check my knee.  I walked in the that morning in complete pain and practically begged him to check my back instead of my knee (which was feeling great by this time).  He worked HARD on my back.  But he asked a lot of questions and again, was able to pinpoint the area that needed to be worked on.  After an hour, I was able to stand up and BREATHE!  It was so amazing how much better I already felt!  Yes, it was still sore and tender, but whatever he did I could actually breathe better.  I don't think I had really been able to take a deep breath since Thursday, so it felt great!  He told me he thought I had somehow slipped a vertabrae out of place, which was causing all of that pain.  I have no idea how that happened, maybe slept wrong the night before? 

I finally feel healthy again!  I have been jogging again for the last week.  Taking it really slow, but at least I'm moving again! 

What I've found surprising is when I look back over these last few weeks how emotional I have been about this race.  I was completely stressed out about not being able to do it at all and I didn't realize how much I had let it affect me!  I went to that first track work out after my back injury, really thinking that there was going to be a way that I could make up some of the training I missed.  I would come up with a plan to add more miles every day, it would all work out.  But I was still stressing about how it would all work out!  But my coach finally said something like "look, you're never going to make up that lost time in a week and half.  Just concentrate on finishing the race - no matter how you get it done".  That really hit home with me.  It reminded me of what my goal has been all along - just to do this!  I started out not caring about how much I was able to run, how much I was going to have to walk or what my finish time would be - I just wanted to finish.  But somewhere along the way I got away from that.  Building up your endurance each week, running farther than I ever have before - it was exciting!  I was really proud of myself and amazed at what I had been able to accomplish.  Then when I thought it was all slipping away, it really hit me hard.  But that comment from my coach brought me back to my reality.  Once I let all of that craziness go, I have been able to relax and enjoy the thought of the race again.  I don't care how long it takes me to finish this race, but I WILL FINISH.  That is all that matters.  So I'll walk more than I had originally planned, but who cares?  I WILL FINISH!!  I'm going to take it all in and enjoy every minute!

I will post again when I get home on Sunday (after my ice bath!).  Wish me luck!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

First Injury and the Fundraising Home Stretch!

Well, I guess since I've been almost pain-free during this whole training process, I was  hoping it wouldn't happen - but it did.  After my run last week, I ended up with a really sore knee.  I'm not sure how it happened, but somewhere about mile 4 out of 6, I started to feel a little discomfort in my left knee.  I kept going for about 1/4 mile, then decided to walk it out for a half a mile and then see if I could pick it up again for the rest of the run.  After I stopped to walk, I couldn't run again for more than a minute or so.  It was starting to tighten up.  I got home, but didn't have time to rest and ice right away - I wanted to shower and get to Kyle's football game.  Well, since he didn't make it through the second quarter before I had to take him to the emergency room (they thought he broke his ankle, but thank goodness it turned out only to be a bad sprain), I didn't get to rest, ice and stretch until later that evening.  By that time I could barely walk.  It's been ice and advil ever since!

I haven't run at all this week and have only been to one spin class.  My knee is feeling better, but not pain free yet.  I'm supposed to do a 10-mile group run on Saturday.  I'm really nervous that my knee won't feel good enough to do it, which in turn would put me behind in training and the race is only 4 weeks away - yikes!  Not doing the race is NOT an option!  I WILL FINISH!

I am really excited to attempt 10-miles on Saturday, something I NEVER thought I would say!  I find myself looking forward to the new challenges.  I'm also realizing that the training in large part is all mental, not physical.  The positive self-motivation and the mental challenges I present to myself are a HUGE part of my success.  While I'm running, I play a mental game with myself - "you can't walk until you hit 2 miles, or the next marker, or the next shaddy spot, etc."  It not only keeps me focused on running (rather than the mental to-do list that is always running through my head!), but I'm motivating myself as well.  It's been hard for me not to track my time each run.  I'm trying to maintain the focus of just completing this 1/2 marathon and not worrying about how fast I run it.  I WILL FINISH!  Just pray that my knee gets better!

My fundraising has been going great!  I have a great network of "cheerleaders" spreading the word for me and helping me fundraise.  Thank you all so much for your generous support and all of the words of encouragement - I really, truly could not do this alone!  If you haven't yet had a chance to check out my website - now is the time!  I have about 10 days left to reach my goal - and EVERY little bit helps!!

Again, thank you to everyone who has supported me during this journey.  It means more than you could know.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

7 Miles!!

Well, so much for trying to post every week - I'm doing my best!  Since my last post:

* I was scheduled for a 5-mile run on August 21st, but we had a pre-planned camping trip so I wasn't able to go with my group.  I did manage to get in about 4 miles along the coast on my own though.  There was a beautiful trail along the beach at Costanoa that was 3 miles, but I extended it to what I think was about 4 miles.  It was really beautiful - but hard!  It was the farthest I had every tried to run, plus there were parts with hills and parts on the sand along the beach.  But, I made it!  I was really proud of myself for going on my own - it was worth it!  As soon as I figure out how to get the pictures I took off of my iPhone, I will post them to my blog :-)

* I am continuing to struggle with fitting everything in right now.  Thursday track work outs have been completely blown off the last 3 weeks - getting Corey off to school in Kansas one week, working late the following week, back-to-school night last week.  It's really hard to find the time for everything - but I'm doing my best!  We'll see if I can get there this week (fingers crossed!).

* Did a 3.5 mile "run" up to the Stanford Dish on Agust 28th.  It was a lot harder than I thought and I think I was a little over-zealous on the hills.  I was a bit discouraged again - it seemed like I had felt really good and strong all week, then when I hit the hills on Saturday, I almost felt like it was my first day of training all over again!  I need to think about how to approach hills during the race.  The coaches did give us some good tips for running uphill, most importantly - don't worry about walking them!  If it conserves your energy for the rest of the race, that might be the best strategy.  We're doing the Dish again this Saturday - I'm going to try that approach and see how it goes.

* Ran 5 miles on my own at Sawyer Camp Trail at Crystal Springs on August 31st.  I was amazed that I pushed myself that far.  I was so happy at the end - I had ran the last 2 miles non-stop.  That was the farthest I had ever run without walking.  Progress!

* Ran 7 MILES with the group on Saturday, September 4th at Pillar Point in Half Moon Bay.  What a rush!  Except for one quick bathroom stop - I actually jogged the entire 7 miles!  I was so proud of myself - I wanted to shout it from the roof!  Me, the non-runner, non-athlete, actually ran 7 miles!!  Wow ... another milestone!

This Saturday we're in a "down" week in training, so we're not supposed to run any more than 4 miles.  I'm going to do the Dish again on Saturday, but need to try and fit in another 4 mile run before then.  Not sure when that will be!  The following week we'll be running 9 miles.  I'm actually kind of excited to see how I handle it!

If you haven't had a chance, please check out my website:

Thank you all for your continued support - I couldn't do this without you!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

SLOWLY .... but surely ...

Last week was kind of a tough week.  I was really happy that I actually stuck to my committed routine the entier week ... spin class on Monday and Wednesday, treadmill on Tuesday, track workout on Thursday and a 3-mile run/walk on Saturday.  But with everything going on right now - 2 kids getting ready to go back to school, 1 kid leaving tomorrow for college out of state (Kansas!!!), trying to hire someone to fill my old position at work so I can move to my new job at the end of this month, getting another new manager on board and having to support a 4th person, AND trying to keep up with my training - I'm stretched pretty thin right now and I'm eating properly to maintain my energy level.  I need to concentrate on that more next week and eat better.  Anyone with nutrition tips for runners? 

The track work out on Thursday was my second week of training with my TNT team and I really felt out of it the entire time.  My legs felt like they were made out of concrete, my knees hurt, my shins hurt ... it was all new to me.  I've been feeling really good up until that night and I keep trying to figure out what I was doing different that made it feel like such a chore?!  Not eating well, not getting enough sleep, not stretching enough before my workout .... whatever the problem was, it felft like I had taken 10 steps backward.  Very discouraging ...

Treadmill workout on Tuesday morning felt like a bit of a chore this week as well.  I've come to the conclusion that I just don't like running on the treadmill - it's REALLY boring!  I'm trying to experiment with the music on my playlist to help keep me motivated .... ugh!

But, I'm trying to remain positive and keep my focus.  I have to keep telling myself that I can do this, I'm not doing it to win, and no matter how long it takes me to cross the finish line - I WILL FINISH!

Tomorrow I get to sleep in and then take my baby boy to the airport - he's leaving for Sterling, Kansas tomorrow.  I'm so excited for him!!  Wish him luck!

5 mile run on Saturday - wish ME luck with that!  Should be interesting!!

Thanks to everyone for their continued support - I couldn't do it with out you!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Why THIS, Why NOW??

I keep getting asked the question - why are you doing THIS and why NOW (referring to my age, I suppose)??  I guess there are many answers to those questions.  The first and most obvious reason is what I said on my profile - in honor of my mother, Norma Stokes, who lost her battle with leukemia 25 years ago.  But as I think more about it, it's more than that.  I think part of me is trying to figure out who "Jennifer" really is - finally at the age of 44!  What am I capable of?  What do I want to be when I grow up? :-)  (Better late than never, I guess!)  When I realize it has been 25 years since I lost my mom, it's kind of scary.  That time has really flown by.  I've been so busy for the last 22 years trying to figure out how to be a wife and mom, I've kind of forgotten about me.  A common theme among women, I know.  So, I was having a discussion with my husband a few weeks ago about our oldest son, Corey.  He's 22 and kind of "floundering" in life right now.  Trying to figure out what he wants to do, if he wants to finish college, just kind of "lost".  We've been frustrated watching him go through this, and my husband made the comment that Corey seems to start things, but never finish them.  He then said something to the effect of:  "He's kind of like you in that way.  Not in a bad way, but you kind of do the same thing."  Of course my first reaction was to be hurt and kind of pissed, but when I thought about it, I realized he was right.  I've done that with a lot of things in my life - I think all having to do with trying to figure out who "Jennifer" really is.  One of these "things" that I've thought about, started to look into, and then never followed through on was Team in Training.  I have talked about it for probably the last 10 years, signed up to go to probably 5 or 6 informational meetings over those 10 years, but that's as far as I ever got.  There was always some excuse as to why I didn't go.  So, after that conversation, I decided to really try and follow through on some of those things and that this was going to be my year of "no excuses"!  I got an email about the upcoming Team in Training season and there was an informational meeting back in June.  So I went.  And then at that meeting, I decided not to go away and think about it - I signed up that night.  So here we are today!

This is my second week of official training with the "team".  It's not as bad as I thought it would be - I'm averaging a 12 minute mile and I've been able to actually run for over a mile without walking!  AMAZING!  The farthest I've ran/walked so far is 3.25 miles.I'm starting to get nervous though - I'll be adding a mile every week until race day in October.  Considering I haven't really done any "running" (other than after my kids as they were growing up) in 17 years, I guess I have cause to be nervous!  I just keep telling myself that I can do this, I'm not doing it to win, and no matter how long it takes me to cross the finish line - I WILL FINISH!

The thing that has really amazed me and kept me motivated are the overwhelming responses that I've received from people that have read my initial donation email.  I am truly blessed with amazing friends and family.  I'm continually learning of the personal connections that people have to this cause and these devastating diseases.  Their stories truly help keep me motivated and reaffirm my decision to take on this challenge.  What I am trying to do is nothing compared to the struggles and challenges of those faced with fighting cancer.  I am lucky to be healthy enough to train for this race and honored to do it for those that can't!